Rock Hill Coca-Cola Blog

1908 Coca-Cola Bottling contract detail

Luther Snyder

Luther Snyder’s Biography The Coca-Cola Bottler’s Newsletter of 1947 provides a biography of Luther Snyder and his involvement with Coca-Cola Bottling Company in Charlotte, North Carolina. Luther was working on his father’s farm in Clark County, Virginia, and was engaged to Miss Alfreta Crisman. Miss Crisman was related to Mr. J.T. Lupton, one of the […]

chicken rice Sprite

Slow Cooker Chicken and Rice with Sprite

With all the events happening in and around Rock Hill, folks are busy and don’t have a lot of time to cook. Recipes that make good use of a slow cooker can offer up a delicious dinner that saves loads of time in the kitchen. You simply add the ingredients, set the cooker and walk […]

February Events in the Rock Hill Area

Even though it’s the shortest month, February will still bring plenty of opportunities for fun in the Rock Hill area. With winter weather driving most activities indoors, you’ll find lots of options in the theaters. Samson: The Last Judge The NarroWay Theatre and Conference Center in Fort Mill will put on a dinner show featuring famed […]

Barq’s Root Beer Baked Beans

Now that winter is here and temperatures will be chilly for the next couple of months, we all need some hearty dishes to keep our bellies warm and full. A nice, big bowl of beans is always a welcomed option, but this recipe using Barq’s Root Beer, bacon, and apples transforms a pot of boring […]

Brass bottle opener

Coca-Cola Continued to Grow

After a promising start, the Coca-Cola Company continued to grow. In 1894 Mississippian Joseph Biedenharn noticed the rapid increase in sales of Coca-Cola in his candy store and soda fountain. Because of this demand for the popular drink, he decided to install bottling machinery in the rear of his store. Biedenharn recognized that many people […]

January Events in the Rock Hill Area

The weather is sure to be turning colder, but that won’t be slowing down the January events and activities in the Rock Hill area. These two concerts and one very special event will keep you occupied as winter comes on strong. You’ll have plenty of time to collect yourself after the hectic bustle of the […]

Cherry Coke Cupcakes

These delicious little desserts put a fun spin on cupcakes. With a hint of Cherry Coke in both the batter and the icing, and a cherry surprise hiding in the cake, these Cherry Coke Cupcakes are sure to delight the next time you need a special treat.   Time: about 1 hour (allowing for cooling […]

December 2016 Happenings

The holiday season has surrounded the area around the Rock Hill Coca-Cola Bottling Company with so many special events that we hardly know what to do with ourselves. The next few days are chock-full of Christmas activities and shows. If you’re needing a break from all your Christmas decorating or shopping, check out one of […]

Asa Candler Built the Coca-Cola Brand

Asa Candler In 1891 Atlanta businessman Asa Candler would become the Coca-Cola Corporation’s first president and the first to bring real vision to the business and the brand. Candler was a business tycoon who transformed his investment into a world-wide business. He began his business career as a drugstore owner in Atlanta, witnessed the popularity […]

Five Ways to Get into the Christmas Spirit

December is in full swing and with it one of the busiest times of year for a lot of folks. There’s plenty going on for everyone in and around Rock Hill, with people hustling and bustling and trying to get a thousand things all done at the same time. With all the activity that typically […]

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