Rock Hill Coca-Cola Blog

New Year's

New Ways to Ring in New Year’s 2021

As 2020 finally draws to a close, we can all agree that the year, if nothing else, was new. Everyone experienced life a little differently in 2020, so that’s why the Rock Hill Coca-Cola Bottling Company is recommending something a little different for this New Year’s Eve. To ring in 2021, why not try something…new?

New Year’s = New Traditions

Most of us will probably not ring in 2021 in the usual way. Here’s the perfect opportunity to establish some new traditions. And if they all go wrong…oh well. There’s always next year.

Keep the Coca-Cola Flowing

Ok, so the first suggestion isn’t a new one at all. Of course you’re going to have plenty of Coca-Cola products on hand for the New Year’s festivities. We know that’s reliable. Why not try a few new flavors, though? You might find a new favorite soft drink. Experiment with flavor combinations. You could stumble on the next taste sensation!

So Much Punch!

You could always try one of these punch recipes: here, here, and here. Again, experiment with something new. Substitute, swap, replace, add, subtract.

What Does It Taste Like?

Now’s the time to find out how that weird food tastes. Grab a bunch of “odd” foods (odd to you, anyway) and organize a taste test. Get some of that cheese that looks interesting. Pick up a few jars of specialty foods. If you’ve never had it, here’s your chance. Print up a score sheet. Scores range from “I want this for my last meal” to “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.”

Dress Up

No one’s going to see you anyway, so why not be daring? Or dashing? Or wacky? Or tacky? Or simply try out a new look to see if it’ll work for 2021. You could create a whole new you in the last minutes of this crazy year. Just don’t cut your own bangs.

Be Alone…With Everyone Else

Just because you’re isolated on New Year’s Eve doesn’t mean you’re all alone. With the ready availability of virtual gatherings, there’s no reason to limit the size of your digital gala. See these tips for organizing a new virtual New Year’s party.

Happy New Year

The Rock Hill Coca-Cola Bottling Company wishes you and yours a safe and prosperous 2021!