Rock Hill Coca-Cola Blog

Orange Fanta hot sauce wings

Why You Should Try Cooking with Coke

Over the years the Rock Hill Coca-Cola Bottling company has provided you with loads of great recipes using the many products we supply to the Rock Hill area. This month we’d like to take a step back and look at the overall benefits for using Coca-Cola in recipes. Take a look at these 5 benefits […]

July 4th Cookout Recipe Roundup

July 4th marks the middle of cookout season in Rock Hill. With Memorial Day on one side and Labor Day on the other, Independence Day celebrations are the high point of the backyard bashes.  Over the years the Rock Hill Coca-Cola Bottling Company has shown you a lot of recipes designed to make your grilling […]


How to Host the Summer’s Best Cookout

Now that life seems to be getting back to something like normal, folks are looking for ways to gather once again. Hosting a backyard cookout is one of the best ways to get your friends and family together in a relatively safe way. Follow these tips for hosting the summer’s best cookout. Feed Them Well […]

Feed the Monster Game

Make a Feed the Monster Game

With Halloween close upon us once again, many parents and teachers are wondering how to keep their little ghouls and goblins busy when they aren’t out trick-or-treating. Perhaps a Feed the Monster Game will help occupy the little ones from more mischief and might even reduce the amount of Halloween candy that ends up in […]

decoupage Coke bottle

Decoupage Coke Bottle

Summer is right around the corner, and soon enough all the kids in York County and Rock Hill will be let loose from classes. The freedom of summer break can soon give way to rank boredom, though, so all those kids are going to need something to do to occupy their warm weather hours. Rock […]

Coke bottle whirling diversion

Coke Bottle Whirling Diversion

With weather in Rock Hill warming up for good this year (we hope!), many people have started looking for any reason to be outside. Spring flowers do a great job decorating the yards, but what to do between the first blooms of the season and the lush growth of summer? Focus your attention on a […]

Coke bottle cloche

Protect Your Plants with a Coke Bottle Cloche

As usual, spring weather in Rock Hill has been a little bit all over the place. Folks who put in vegetable gardens are usually anxious to gets plants in the ground as early as possible, but with temperatures swinging wildly and the ever-present danger of a late frost zapping the tender seedlings, most people are […]

plastic cap bugs

Bug Out with Plastic Cap Bugs

Spring could be just around the corner in Rock Hill, but you never know. We’d all love to get out and about in the next couple of weeks, but winter could still yet raise its cold head and blast York County with more frosty weather. So how can we keep our spirits up as we […]

Coke bottle bird feeder

Make a Coke Bottle Bird Feeder

The latest round of winter weather and frigid temperatures reminds us that we need to take care of our fine feathered friends during the cold months of the year. When temperatures sink, birds need a lot more food to keep themselves warm. Save up your empty Coca-Cola product bottles to make this fun and useful bird […]

clean empty bottles

Cleaning Empty Bottles for Projects

In the coming year, Rock Hill Coca-Cola Bottling Company will be bringing you several DIY projects using your empty bottles. We know that you’re saving all your Coke, Sprite, Barq’s, Fanta, Diet Coke, Dr Pepper, and Mello Yello bottles. At the very least, we hope that you’re recycling, but you’ll see loads of projects for […]